Rokon A, Hoque M M, Ahamed F, Alam R, Sarkar S. (2016). Pedestrian Safety Hazards at Uncontrolled Roadway Sections near School Zones at Tongi. Proceedings of BUET-ANWAR ISPAT 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering Summit. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 79-86.

Abstract: School pedestrian death due to road accidents is one of the major concerns in a developing country like Bangladesh. According to WHO, in developing countries about 30 to 40% children account for road traffic deaths. In Bangladesh child pedestrian involvement in road traffic casualties are around 24 percent, while 78 percent of them turns into fatalities.… View More

Sarkar S, Hoque M M, Alam R, Ahamed F, Rokon A. (2016). Identification of High-Risk Road Locations on National Highway N2 of Bangladesh Using GIS. Proceedings of BUET-ANWAR ISPAT 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering Summit. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 120-127

Abstract: Road traffic safety and highway improvement programs are dependent on the analysis of accurate and reliable traffic accident data. In Bangladesh, significant percentage of crash fatalities occur on limited sections of major roads and highways. These sections are generally known as High Risk Roads, Hazardous Road Locations (HRLs) or Accident Prone Location or Black Spots.… View More

Alam R, Hoque M M, Sarkar S, Rokon A, Ahamed F. (2016). Crash Problems and Countermeasures for Vulnerable Road Users in Dhaka City. Proceedings of BUET-ANWAR ISPAT 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering Summit. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 71-78

Abstract: With immense concentration on traffic safety for major motorized vehicles the road traffic fatalities including such motorized vehicles have shown declining trends in recent years. On the contrary the vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as pedestrians, bicyclists, motor cyclist, pedal rickshaws and users of various informal motorized and non-motorized modes are victims of massive injury due to heterogeneous traffic.… View More

Feroz S I, Chowdhury F H, Alam N A, Momo Y R, Rahman M M. (2020). Mode Choice Behavior Analysis in N1 Highway: A Case Study from Cumilla to Dhaka. In 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2020). CUET, Bangladesh. Accepted.

Abstract n Bangladesh, N1 highway is the most important highway and the most vulnerable part of this highway is from Cumilla to Dhaka. However, no study has been conducted to know the mode choice behavior of the road users in this route which is an important step in transportation planning.… View More

Ahmed A J M M U, Hasan M T, Alam R, Hoque M S. (2017). Characteristics of Fundamental Diagrams Due to Shockwave by Non-lane Based Heterogeneous Traffic. 9th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference. Valencia, Spain. (ISBN: 978-0-9960437-4-8)

Abstract: If the global context of traffic flow researches are highlighted, it is observed that many researches have already been conducted with the Fundamental Diagrams of traffic flow for lane based homogeneous traffic. Studies related to propagation of shockwaves are being conducted as well.… View More

Feroz S I, Rahman M M. (2019). “Effective Route Analysis of MRT Line 6 Based On Passenger Satisfaction”. In 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2019). Sylhet, Bangladesh

Abstract: Dhaka, the capital, administrative and commercial hub of Bangladesh is subjected to acute traffic congestion, inadequate traffic management, and high accident rates. This has prompted to the introduction of Metro rail in order to improve the public transport system of the city.… View More

Khan S, Nagabhushana M N, Vittal UK. (2017). Use of Fly Ash in Low Volume Road, World Road Meeting, International Road Federation, New Delhi.

Abstract: Coal-based thermal power plants all over the world face serious problems of handling and disposal of the ash produced. The high ash content (30–50%) of the coal in India makes this problem complex. At present, about 145 thermal power stations in India produce nearly 184 million(quantity) tonnes of coal ash per annum (CEA,2015).… View More

Alam R, Hoque M M. (2018). Safe System and Countermeasures for Vulnerable Road Users in Dhaka City. 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2018). (ISBN: 978-984-34-3502-6)

Abstract: In Bangladesh, the vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as pedestrians, bicyclists, motor cyclist, pedal rickshaws and users of various informal motorized and non-motorized modes are victims of massive injury due to heterogeneous traffic practice. In most of the cases, vulnerable road users are ignored from the planning of urban road network system.… View More

Rahman, M. A., Zawad, M. F. S., & Priyom, S. N. (2021). Potential Use of Micro-silica in Concrete: A Critical Review. In proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2020), SE 173-180, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chattogram, Bangladesh.

Abstract: Durability and High-performance, the two most desirable properties of concrete, are always important for sustainable infrastructure. After the invention of concrete, several steps have been taken to improve their quality and performance. Cement, the key ingredient of concrete, has shaped much of our infrastructure but produces a huge amount of carbon footprint.… View More

M.R. Samrat, P. Chowdhury, A.A Shuvo (2018). Evaluation of a water treatment plant in Chittagong city, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 1st national conference on water resources Engineering (NCWRE-2018).

Abstract: Water is one of the most vital element for mankind’s survival. So, ensuring better quality of drinking water is of the utmost importance. Chittagong, the port city of Bangladesh is having issues due to increasing demand of drinking water. In order to satisfy the demands of people, Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) of Bangladesh has undertaken the project ‘Chittagong Water Supply Improvement and Sanitation Project (CWSISP)’.… View More