Rahman, M. A., Zawad, M. F. S., & Priyom, S. N. (2021). Potential Use of Micro-silica in Concrete: A Critical Review. In proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2020), SE 173-180, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chattogram, Bangladesh.

Abstract: Durability and High-performance, the two most desirable properties of concrete, are always important for sustainable infrastructure. After the invention of concrete, several steps have been taken to improve their quality and performance. Cement, the key ingredient of concrete, has shaped much of our infrastructure but produces a huge amount of carbon footprint.… View More

Zawad, M. F. S., Rahman, M. A., & Priyom, S. N. (2021). Bio-Engineered Concrete: A Critical Review on The Next Generation of Durable Concrete. Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum (JCEF). Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 335-358. https://doi.org/10.22146/jcef.65317

Abstract: Concrete is a prerequisite material for infrastructural development, which is required to be sufficiently strong and durable. It consists of fine, coarse, and aggregate particles bonded with a fluid cement that hardens over time. However, micro cracks development in concrete is a significant threat to its durability.… View More

Zawad, M. R. S., Zawad, M. F. S., Rahman, M. A., & Priyom, S. N. (2021). A Comparative Review of Image Processing Based Crack Detection Techniques on Civil Engineering Structures. Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering (SCCE) (Scopus Indexed). Volume: 5, Issue: 3 – Serial Number 17, Summer- 2021, Pages: 58-74. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22115/scce.2021.287729.1325

Abstract: Crack detection and repair of the cracks in engineering structures is essential to ensure serviceability and durability. Traditionally, cracks are detected by the examiner’s visual inspection; as a result, crack detection and estimation of characteristics are greatly dependent on the examiner’s personal judgment, which has aided in the repair of various structures and evaluation of the crack phenomenon in previous decades.… View More

M.R. Samrat, P. Chowdhury, A.A Shuvo (2018). Evaluation of a water treatment plant in Chittagong city, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 1st national conference on water resources Engineering (NCWRE-2018).

Abstract: Water is one of the most vital element for mankind’s survival. So, ensuring better quality of drinking water is of the utmost importance. Chittagong, the port city of Bangladesh is having issues due to increasing demand of drinking water. In order to satisfy the demands of people, Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) of Bangladesh has undertaken the project ‘Chittagong Water Supply Improvement and Sanitation Project (CWSISP)’.… View More

Khan S, Nagabhushana M N, Tiwari D, & Jain P K. (2016). Comparison of Uni and Bi-directional Load Induced Rutting in Flexible Pavement with Accelerated Pavement Testing Facility (APTF). Transportation Research Procedia. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2016.11.106

Abstract: The Indian Road Network is the second largest in the world after U.S. and flexible pavement is the most sought pavement in India. In fact, majority of roads in India (more then 90 %) are flexible pavement due to ease of construction and initial cost of construction.… View More

Ahmed R B, Rahman A, Islam K, Palit S K. (2017). Recycling of Reclaimed Bituminous Pavement Materials. 1st International Conference on Research & Innovation in Civil Engineering (ICRICE 2018). Chittagong, Bangladesh. (ISBN: 978-984-34-3576-7).

Abstract: Most of the highways and roads of Bangladesh are generally constructed as flexible pavement and are generally designed with fresh aggregates and neat bitumen. During road re-construction and rehabilitation, proper handling of demolished pavement becomes a great problem. When this demolished pavement is not properly handled, it causes environmental hazards and creates disposal problems.… View More

Ahmed R B, Amin J, Islam T, Hasan R, Palit S K. (2016). Assessment of Industrial Effluent Pollution in Karnaphuli River. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2016). Chittagong, Bangladesh. (ISBN: 978-984-34-1662-9).

Abstract: Industry is one of the main resources of a country’s economic development. Different types of industries have different system of productions and use different types of chemicals and raw materials. The untreated effluent from the industries rapidly pollutes the surface water.… View More

Ahmed R B, Amin J, Palit S K. (2016). Road Surface Drainage at Hat Bazaar of Rural Area: A Case Study. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2016). Chittagong, Bangladesh. (ISBN: 978-984-34-1662-9).

Abstract: The average annual rainfall in Bangladesh varies from 1429 to 4338 millimeters (BMD, 2014). During rainy season, this water causes serious water logging on roadways due to improper drainage system & local road dwellers behavior. Without proper drainage of water, it creates hazardous impact on daily activities of rural as well as urban area people.… View More

Swarna, S. T., Reddy, K. S., Reddy, M. A., & Pandey, B. B. (2016). Analysis of Bonded Concrete Pavements Using 3D FEM. TPMDC Conference, Conference Proceeding 151.

Abstract: A concrete pavement may consist of two layers of a bonded concrete panel with the top layer being made up of premium quality aggregates while the lower layer concrete can have lower grade aggregates such as recycled concrete and marginal aggregates.… View More

Swarna, S. T., Reddy, M. A., & Pandey, B. B. (2017). Analysis and Design of Concrete Pavements: A New Approach. IRC Highways, Indian Roads Congress, 45(12), 37-42

Abstract: Westergaard’s theory is usually used for the computation of single wheel load and temperature gradient in concrete pavements. While wheel load stresses are found to be generally correct for interior and edge loading conditions, equations for temperature stresses are valid for linear temperature gradient.… View More