Akter F, Imtiaz S, Zendehboudi S, Hossain K. (2021). Modified Ensemble Kalman Filter for Reservoir Parameter and State Estimation in the Presence of Model Uncertainty. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2020.108323

Abstract: Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is widely used in reservoir modelling for on-line history matching. Typically, it is assumed that structurally the model is an accurate representation of the reservoir and uncertainty exists only in the parameters. This paper focuses on estimating reservoir static parameters (i.e.,… View More

Alam R, Hossain K, Bazan, C. (2020). Life Cycle Analysis for Asphalt Pavement in Canadian Context: Modeling and Application. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2020.1866759

Abstract: Pavement Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a comprehensive method to evaluate the environmental impacts of a pavement section. It employs a cradle-to-grave approach assessing critical stages of the pavement’s life. Pavement LCA tools require a great amount of data to estimate the environmental impact.… View More

Abdelazim S, Hossain K, El-Hakim M, Volovski M. (2020). Pavement Damage Costs by Truck Class and Economy of Scale Relative to Increased Loading. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2020.1832221

Abstract: This research quantified the impact that truck mix, distress severity, and climate have on pavement damage and maintenance costs based on Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) pavement sections located in four US states and one Canadian province. A cost analysis was conducted using in-situ records of maintenance and rehabilitation data from 1988 to 2016.… View More

Reza A, Hossain K, Dhar A S. (2021). Compressibility Assessment of Roadway Embankments Using Tire Derived Aggregates (TDA). 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA. Accepted.

Abstract: On average, one tire per capita per year is generated in Canada as a waste tire, which either goes to landfill or stockpile. Researchers across the world are trying alternative uses of scrap tires. Among many civil engineering applications, roadway embankment construction using tire-derived aggregates (TDA) is the most popular and ecologically viable due to large amount of consumption of material in the embankment.… View More

Guha S, Hossain K. (2020). Our Efforts to Understand Roadway Assets Conditions and Management Techniques in Small Communities of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA. Under Review.

Abstract: Two factors may decide whether a municipality can expect to have a roadway management guideline. One is the population size, and another is the road network size within the municipality. A large population tends to contribute more vehicles to the roads, which leads to frequent maintenance needs and therefore requires a road management guideline.… View More

Khan S, Ashish P K, Kannelli V, Hossain K, Tiwari D, Nagabhushana M N, Havanagi V G. (2020). Laboratory Investigation of Non-Conventional Material for an Inverted Pavement. 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA. Under Review.

Abstract: Inverted pavement system is an alternate form of pavement when compared to flexible pavement. This pavement system consists of a stabilized layer below an aggregate base with asphalt surfacing. In this study, the stabilized layer has been divided into a cemented base layer and a cemented sub-base layer.… View More

Khan S, Nagabhushana M N, Hossain K, Tiwari D, Vittal U K G, Bazan C. (2020). Field Investigation of Inverted Pavement for Low Volume Road. 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA. Under Review.

Abstract: The inverted pavement system is a composition in which a weak layer is placed on a relatively strong stabilized base layer.  The base layer of the inverted pavement studied in this work is mostly a cement-treated layer with varied cement content depending on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) criteria.… View More

Rana M, Hossain K. (2020). Effect of Traffic Projection on Pavement Performance: A Case Study for Canadian Provinces. 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA. Under Review.

Abstract: Traffic volume is a primary design parameter in pavement design. This study focuses on evaluating the variability between field and projected traffic volume and its impact on asphalt pavement performance for various road sections in Canada. In this study, the Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic (AADTT) is considered as traffic volume.… View More

Swarna S T, Hossain K, Pandya H, Mehta Y A. (2021). Assessing Climate Change Impact on Asphalt Binder Grade: Selection and its Implications. 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA. Accepted.

Abstract: Anthropogenic climate change is having and will continue to have adverse effects on Canadian weather. Trends in average annual temperatures have been rapidly increasing over the last 50 years. The severe climatic variations in Canada are in line with global changes in climate occurring due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.… View More

Ahmed R B, Aurilio V, Hossain K. (2020). Using Rejuvenating Agents to Improve Hot Mix Asphalt Incorporating Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). 65th Annual Conference on Canadian Technical Asphalt Association (CTAA). Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Abstract: Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) continues to be the most recycled product in America.  A 2018 US survey conducted by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) shows that 82.2 million tons of RAP was reused in new hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements; this equated to an average RAP content of 21 % which is similar to estimates in Canada where about 15-20 % of the RAP is reused. … View More