Hosseini F, Hossain S M K, Fu L. (2017). Bio-based Materials for Improving Winter Pavement Friction. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2016-0460

Abstract: Over five million tons of salt (NaCl) is applied in Canada every winter to improve pavement friction in the winter season. While effective for improving pavement surface condition, salts at high concentrations are detrimental to the environment and corrosive to vehicles and infrastructure.… View More

Hossain S M K, Karakas A, Singhvi P, Ozer H, Al-Qadi I. (2018). Effect of Aging and Rejuvenation on Surface Free Energy Measurements and Adhesive Property of Asphalt Binder. 97th Annual Conference of Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA.

Abstract: During aging process physio-chemical changes occur in asphalt. As a result, many serious distresses evolve in pavement. The changes occur in asphalt from aging should have deep relation with its intrinsic properties. The surface free energy is a fundamental property of a solid and liquid.… View More

Hossain S M K, Muresan M, Fu L. (2018). Book Chapter: Chapter 20 – Application Guidelines for Optimal Deicing and Anti-icing. Sustainable Winter Road Operations. Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-18506-2. Invited.

Abstract: This chapter presents a review of current snow and ice control methods, and a guide for selecting an optimal application rate for specific weather, treatment and level of service requirement. Determining the proper treatment course for a given winter event is extremely important, both from an economic and environmental perspective.… View More

Hossain S M K, Singhvi P, Ozer H, Al-Qadi, I. (2017). Pros and Cons of Advanced Technologies Used in Asphalt Binder Characterization. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) International Conference on Highway Pavements and Airfield Technology. Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Abstract: Asphalt binder contributes significantly to the cost and performance of asphalt pavements. To better understand asphalt binder’s characteristics and behavior, a number of test methods and equipment have been developed in the last few decades. In the recent years, asphalt research community has been using some of the advanced technologies to characterize and understand binder behavior.… View More

Liu, Q., Hossain, K., Tighe, S., Shalaby, A. (2019). Field Assessment of Three Dimensional Surface Texture and Frictional Properties of Experimental Canadian Road Pavements. In Pavement and Asset Management (pp. 73-80). Taylor and Francis, CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-367-20989-6

Abstract: Three-Dimensional (3D) texture measurement and pavement friction evaluation were conducted at the test-track of the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology at the University of Waterloo, Canada.  The test-rack consists of 10 types of flexible and rigid pavement sections with various mixture designs.  … View More

Hosseini F, Hossain S M K, Fu L, Li D S. (2016). Effect of Granularity of Materials and Pre-treatment Performance of Road Salts for Improving Winter Pavement Friction. 96th Annual Conference of Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA.

Abstract: Large amount of salts are used in cold regions every winter to keep users of roads, parking lots and sidewalks safe.  While effective for snow and ice control, salts at high concentrations are detrimental to the environment and corrosive to vehicles and infrastructure. … View More

Hossain, K., Fu, L., & Olesen, A. (2014). Effectiveness of Anti-Icing Operations for Snow and Ice Control of Parking Lots and Sidewalks. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2013-0587

Abstract: This paper describes an empirical study aimed at investigating the performance of the anti-icing strategy for snow and ice control of parking lots and sidewalks. The research is motivated by the need to address several key questions concerning various operational decisions related to the anti-icing strategy, including its relative effectiveness under different weather and site conditions, treatment options, and optimal application rates.… View More

Hossain S M K, Fu L, Oleson J A. (2014). An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Anti-icing Operations for Snow and Ice Control of Parking Lots and Sidewalks. 93rd Annual Conference of Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA.

Abstract: This paper describes an empirical study aimed at investigating the performance of the anti-icing strategy for snow and ice control of parking lots and sidewalks. The research is motivated by the need to address several key questions concerning various operational decisions related to the anti-icing strategy, including its relative effectiveness under different weather and site conditions, treatment options, and optimal application rates.… View More

Hosseini F, Hossain S M K, Fu L, Paolo S G, Seters T V. (2015). Field Evaluation of Organic Materials for Winter Snow and Ice Control. 94th Annual Conference of Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA.

Abstract: Over five million tons of road salts are applied in Canada every winter to keep users of roads, parking lots and sidewalks safe. While effective for snow and ice control, salts at high concentrations are detrimental to the environment and corrosive to vehicles and infrastructure.… View More

Hosseini F, Hossain S M K, Fu L, Johnson, Fei Y. (2015). Prediction of Pavement Surface Temperature Using Meteorological Data. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Cold Region Engineering Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Abstract: Pavement surface temperature is an essential requirement for the winter maintenance decision-making processes when determining suitable deicers and optimal application rates for transportation facilities such as parking lots. Currently, there are very few services/methods available to directly measure the pavement surface temperature.… View More