Swarna, S. T., & Siddhartha, P. (2015). Stabilization of Subgrade soil of Highway Pavement using Waste Tyre Pieces. IJIRSET. DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0405045


The uses of automobiles are increasing day by day because of that the waste of tyres increases. In India, the waste tyres are classified as solid waste. Due to manufacturing of tyres with synthetic rubber, proper disposal of these waste tyres has become difficult.It is approximately estimated as 60 to 70% of waste tyres are disposed in improper way in various areas. As a result of this, there is a great damage to eco-system like air pollution and aesthetic pollution. To avoid this damage we can utilize these tyre wastes with technical development in different fields like using tyre wastes in construction of flexible pavements. It is not only to decrease the pollution but also to decrease the use of aggregates which are in low quantity. In this investigation, we put our effort to make an effective use of waste tyres to stabilize the subgrade of highway pavement.

Contributors: Swarna, S. T., & Siddhartha, P.

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