Conversion Short Course – Applied Naval Architecture
This short course is designed for engineers with a degree in an engineering discipline other than naval architecture and/or marine engineering. While this category of engineers will have an understanding of fundamental aspects of engineering, knowledge of application to ships and marine environments will be lacking. This “conversion” course is to introduce these engineers to selected aspects of naval architecture and marine engineering. The focus will be more on applications rather than theory. This will allow them to apply their knowledge and training to the problems in the marine environment more effectively, especially considering the reduction of underwater vessel noise by ships.
This course, consisting of eight 3-hour modules, will be delivered through Brightspace, an online learning management system.
Each module is followed by an online quiz. After the successful completion of eight quizzes (three attempts and a 70% passing grade for each quiz) and a survey by March 31, 2024, participants will receive their certificates through the Brightspace system.
- Time: 12:30 – 16:00 (EDT), including a half-hour break
- Dates: February 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 20, 27 and 28, 2024
- Course modules
- Course instructors
- Course schedule
- Registration fee – $600 CAD/person
- Registration deadline – January 31, 2024