
Canadian Network For Innovative Shipbuilding, Marine Research And Training

Reseau canadien pour l'innovation dans la construction navale, la recherche marine et la formation

Newsletter – December 2017

  • As part of our effort to secure funding from various sources to support R&D activities, CISMaRT submitted a letter of intent (LOI) to Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) on November 2017, requesting $13M over five years to support collaborative research and development on smarter, greener and safer technologies. Note that an additional $20M cash and in-kind contribution has been provisionally committed to this initiative. We will know if the LOI is successful in February 2018. And, we continue to seek core funding from other sources.
  • Pilot project #1:  DRDC, Vard Marine, ABS, and Memorial University have committed cash and in-kind contribution to investigate Operational Capabilities of Low and Non-Ice Class Vessels in Ice. A proposal has been submitted to NSERC applying for matching funds. The total value of this four-year collaborative project is $1.1M. It is anticipated the project will start in Spring 2018.
  • Pilot project #2: The project is to develop the best computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling practices for problems important to the marine industry with an objective to improve the design and operation of ships and marine structures. The project is under discussion and involves industry, government and academic partners. A start date in early 2018 is anticipated. Please contact qiuw@mun.ca for more information, and if you are interested in participating in the project.
  • The draft report summarizing the outcomes of the Ottawa Workshop on Marine Education and Training is now available here for suggestions and comments.

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