Newsletter – July 2018
We are excited to report that CISMaRT continues to make progress. Exciting new initiatives are summarized below and a meeting is being organized to take these initiatives to the next stage.
November 2018 meeting
- The next meeting will be held in Halifax, NS on November 27-29, 2018. The meeting will provide an update on CISMaRT activities, report on major new initiatives and focus on project developments. Further details will be sent to CISMaRT members by the end of July.
Pilot projects
- The update of current CISMaRT programs will include a progress report on two pilot projects first reported on in the December 2017 newsletter. The first pilot project concerns operational capabilities of low- and non-ice class vessels in ice and the second focuses on developing best practices to ensure CFD analyses are performed proficiently for problems important to the marine industry.
New funding
- While CISMaRT has been successful in obtaining funding to support its interim activities, further efforts are being made to seek additional funding for longer-term operations, particularly to support major new initiatives. Progress made on this front will also be discussed in the November meeting.
New projects/initiatives
- CISMaRT continues to seek ideas for projects, and we are happy to report that a major new initiative is being developed in collaboration with Transport Canada. The initiative concerns the technology for mitigating ship noise and associated issues. CISMaRT is working with Transport Canada to host a workshop on the subject as part of the November meeting. A short course is being planned in conjunction with the workshop that will provide an introduction to underwater noise caused by ships.
Ship time
- Ship time has been made available to CISMaRT to conduct engineering research. More details will be available at the November meeting and we will be looking for insight and ideas from participants.