
Collaboration is the act of working with one or more other people to produce or create something. As undergraduate students, we were indirectly taught to collaborate by doing group projects with our classmates or be assigned lab-partners in science labs. If you were anything like I was, you probably didn’t look forward to these interactions. … [Read more…]

Seasons Greetings

Happy Holidays from SGS and the blogging team! We will return with new blog posts in the new year!  

Travel opportunities…

Hello again! I know I can’t be the only one who finds it hard to believe that classes for the Fall semester have come to an end and that for some of you, studying and writing for final exams has already begun! As usual, I feel as if so much has happened to me, especially … [Read more…]

Mixed feelings…

Next week lectures will end, finals will be upon me, and I will have completed the first semester of my MA program in Classics. I’m not sure how I feel about that yet. The past couple of months were filled with mixed experiences and some disappointments for me. I am a first generation university student … [Read more…]

“Why in the world are you doing this?”

Hello Everyone, I’m Patrick Wells, one of the new student bloggers for the 2017-2018 academic year. I am a CFA (come from away) who was born in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. I have a bachelors degree in Biology from St. Mary’s University and walked down the street to Dalhousie to get my Masters in Science and … [Read more…]

A Fresh Start…

Hello readers, my name is Courtney Laprise, and I am a brand new graduate student at Memorial University. I just started my Master of Science program in Chemistry, and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey through my program with you. Whether you’re a current graduate student, a prospective graduate student, or just … [Read more…]

My journey as a graduate student continues…

My journey as a graduate student continues and we are well into the swing of the fall semester. I continue to prepare for comprehensive exams and have a date set. I am someone who works much better with a deadline, so that helps me focus. In the midst of this preparation, I have also had … [Read more…]