Research in a time of Change?

Normally, this time of year, my team and I would be working hard to finish the analysis artifacts unearthed last summer. Our conversations would alternate between what still needs to be packed and what we are most looking forward to on the field this year. In a month’s time we would be methodically unearthing centuries … [Read more…]

Positivity in research through the pandemic

Fieldwork Pre–pandemic For me, the pandemic seemed to come on very quickly and unexpectedly. One week I was making plans for summer field work, and the next I was left working at home. I was in high school during the SARS pandemic, and H1N1 hit Canada while I was in undergrad, but those felt like … [Read more…]

This sure is one for the history books

Some of the pairs of socks that I’ve knit since being home This sure is one for the history books. I’m writing to you from back home in Ontario. I didn’t have to travel very far, but I sure feel far away from the life I was building in Newfoundland. I was lucky to get … [Read more…]

Use this time

Hi all. Thank you for planning to take time to read my thoughts. Instead of sharing the post that I had prepared I have a request for how you use this time. Listen to black voices, support their resistance, and reflect on your privilege. Seek out resources and organizations created by people of colour, especially … [Read more…]

The new normal

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well in middle of all of this. It’s crazy how things changed so abruptly! This blog post is coming from Brazil, as I’m making my way home for the semester. The truth is, this has not been easy. No matter how much support we have and how … [Read more…]

Thoughts of a graduate student (Part II)

The campus still stands after Snowmageddon 2020. For the readers who have not heard about this epic snowstorm, follow this link: ( Fear not, prospective students, the weather isn’t all that bad in Newfoundland. Coming from a warm country to Newfoundland was a big transition for me. However, I remind myself of the Swedish proverb … [Read more…]

Academic Burnout…

As a nice follow up to my previous piece on the magic of saying yes, let’s talk about the ability to say no, especially in an academic setting. I’ve had this conversation with plenty of my colleagues, as I’m sure many others have had as well. It follows along the lines of comparing how tired … [Read more…]

We are all storytellers

Last year Conservation Scientist Aerin Jacob with the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative visited Memorial to give a talk to the Geography Department. While she was here, she offered a storytelling workshop to graduate students. Being a busy student, I nearly decided against attending, but only five minutes into the workshop I knew I had … [Read more…]

Funding your 2020 grad studies

I am enjoying my first Newfoundland winter with the snow up to my neck! Happy New Year and new semester everybody! As someone who is from Southern Ontario, I thought I had seen a lot of snow in my life but it turns out I was wrong! With all this snow, my mind drifts more … [Read more…]