Advice from the other side (of comps)

I recently finished my comprehensive exam in the Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology (CABE) program at MUN. I had a fairly positive experience and I feel like I learned a lot of valuable information about some things I either already knew a little bit about as well as some things I knew nothing about. Shortly after … [Read more…]

Giving accolades back to our mentors

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and getting a chance to enjoy the fine St. John’s weather we are experiencing this spring. Note: at time of writing, it was absolutely beautiful around campus – but that can all change very quickly at any given moment. As they say, if you don’t like the … [Read more…]

Team work

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well and enjoying the beautiful weather! I forgot how enjoyable it is to leave the house without creating formulas and making calculations involving degrees Celsius and number of coats. Green grass, birds, trees… Spring is in the air! While I looked down to avoid stepping on ice when … [Read more…]

Recharge and revitalize

Hey everyone! Can you believe that this is already my third blog post? It feels like yesterday that I submitted my last post. I do not know where the time went. This semester really flew by. As you may remember from my previous blog posts, I had a lot of ups and downs during the … [Read more…]

Exams, abstracts, and even more abstracts…

Hello wonderful readers, It seems like only yesterday I was writing my previous blog post for the Graduate Student Blog, where I spoke about getting more comfortable in the lab environment. Since then, I’ve ran some more reactions and now I’m trying to optimize the time for my fish oil reaction. I spent a lot … [Read more…]

A writing retreat answers the crucial question…

The life of a graduate student involves a lot of writing, thinking about writing and then doubting what you have written. I spend a lot of time questioning how often I should write, is what I am writing good enough, and can I publish what I am writing. Sometimes the question is, why am I … [Read more…]

Teaching Skills Enhancement Program

Tamarack (Larix laricina) cones. Nothing to do with developing teaching skills but I am currently analyzing how seed production varies across altitudinal gradients. Since seeds have been perpetually on my mind, I figured it was fitting they be represented in this post.      Hi All! I am going to start off with being boastful, so … [Read more…]

Thesis writing and getting your research out there…

  Hey everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good Winter semester and that these last few weeks of classes and good ol’ paper writing season hasn’t got you too stressed out. As always, a lot has happened to me both (research-wise and personally) since my last post went up. By now, the bulk of … [Read more…]