Letter to the Editors

Dear Editors in Chief, I’m addressing this letter to you today to commend you on the work you’ve accomplished so far and encourage you as you approach your upcoming thesis completion. You might be a writer that edits as they go or you might be a speed writer that tackles their thesis head-on with the … [Read more…]

Looking forward…

Hello everyone! In my last entry, we had barely started into Spring (if one could have called it that), but as I write this blog we are now full on into Summer and St. John’s is beautiful! (Disclaimer: this may not be the actual case by the time this blog is posted and may also … [Read more…]

A new semester, a new routine…

When I last left you I was starting Spring semester, anticipating pleasant weather, and starting to prepare for comprehensive exams. I write today, pretty much in the same boat.  While the weather has gotten marginally better, I am still waiting for it to warm up a bit!  I have been outside enjoying running and biking, … [Read more…]

My Field Work Diary: Is it growing season yet?

Well folks, it’s that time of year again, when courses are complete, the campus is void of undergraduates, and the focus has shifted to field work. While elsewhere across the nation the leaves are out and the weather is ever becoming more summer-like, here in Newfoundland we haven’t quite made it there. And as a … [Read more…]

That moment when everything begins to fall into place…

Hi All! As I sit here trying to decide what to write my latest blog post about, my mind instinctually thinks back to the first round of thesis-oriented fieldwork I completed in May, just a few short weeks ago. As I have mentioned before, the fieldwork required for my Master’s research is to be comprised … [Read more…]

Conferencing as a Graduate Student…

I recently attended the Canadian Society of Ecology Evolution (CSEE) conference in Victoria, BC, and as I’ve been reflecting on my experiences at this conference (and others) I thought about sharing them in a blog post. To start: conferences are hard! Not only do we present our research as oral or poster presentations to experts … [Read more…]

Public access to the exclusive academia club!

Hello all! Hope you are as excited as me to be moving closer and closer to the summer. After visiting warm and uncharacteristically sunny Vancouver in early April and being welcomed back to St. John’s by a wonderful winter storm that left me stranded in Toronto for two days… summer can’t come soon enough. The … [Read more…]

(Do even more) Reading and Writing in Graduate School!

Hey everyone! Spring has officially arrived, marking the end of the Winter semester! Although on some days, the actual weather still has remnants of the Winter season, but that is not all too surprising in St. John’s. Regardless of the weather, however, the start of Spring – or, rather I should probably say the start … [Read more…]


Well, the Winter semester has ended and the Spring semester has just begun.  This picture is of my cat who is my constant writing companion. He curls up next to me anytime I sit at my desk to begin writing. He and I have settled into a nice routine, he naps while I write. It … [Read more…]