The 2017 Persistent and Emerging Organic PoLlution in cold and coastal Environments (PEOPLE 2017) has been successfully held in St. John’s.

The 2017 Persistent and Emerging Organic PoLlution in cold and coastal Environments (PEOPLE 2017) has been successfully held in St. John’s

Oct. 16-17, 2017

The symposium on 2017 Persistent and Emerging Organic PoLlution in cold and coastal Environments (PEOPLE 2017) has been successfully held in St. John’s, NL, Canada, on October 16-17, 2017. During the 2-day event, many experts, government officials, researchers were invited to participate in the workshop and symposium to discuss and appreciate of various aspects about the persistent and emerging organic pollution.

Many persistent and emerging pollutants, such as petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, disinfection by products, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, chemical surfactants, organic nanoparticles, microplastics, are toxic, bio-accumulative, non-regulated and currently not included in regulatory guidelines. Understanding their fate, behavior, environmental and health impacts in cold and coastal environments and developing pollution prevention, control and remediation technologies are essential for evidence-based policy/decision making and sustainable development. This symposium was the first event of the PEOPLE Network events in order to help address the knowledge and technical gaps, and bring direct benefits to academia, government and industry, as well as communities and especially indigenous people in terms of R&D, policy making, technology transfer, education and training, and public engagement.


Click here for more information about PEOPLE 2017

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