Conference and Visit

Welcome Dr. Xingchun Li and Dr. Xianyuan Du to visit NRPOP Lab

Welcome Dr. Xingchun Li and Dr. Xianyuan Du to visit NRPOP Lab

October 13, 2018


On October 13, 2018, Dr.  Xingchun Li and Dr. Xianyuan Du started their visit to NRPOP Lab. Dr. Xingchun Li serves as the Director of China National Petroleum Corporation Research Institute of Safety & Environment Technology, while Dr. Xianyuan Du serves as Senior Engineer. Both are renowned environmental experts with remarkable expertise. A seminar was held on the morning of October 14. After the Lab members introduced their research, Dr. Xingchun Li and Dr. Xianyuan Du had a thorough discussion with the NRPOP staff and students on their latest research and possible collaborations. During their 3-day visit, they generously shared their research experience and discussed future career paths with NRPOP Lab members. It is our honor to have them as our guests and have the supports from them.