Paper Published: F. Fan et al. by Chemosphere September 12,2019 The following paper was published: Fan FQ, Zhang BY, Liu JB, Cai QH, Lin WY, Chen B Towards sulfide removal and sulfate reducing bacteria inhibition: Function of biosurfactants produced by indigenous isolated nitrate reducing bacteria. Chemosphere. (Elsevier, IF = 5.108)…
Paper Published: G. Zeng et al. by Waste and Biomass Valorization
Paper Published: G. Zeng et al. by Waste and Biomass Valorization August 24,2019 The following paper was published: Zeng GN, You HZ, Wang K, Jiang YY, Bao HJ, Du MM, Chen B, Ai N, Gu ZR Semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of ethanol production from Sargassum Horneri and biosorbent production from…
Paper Accepted: G. Zeng et al. by Waste and Biomass Valorization
Paper Accepted: G. Zeng et al. by Waste and Biomass Valorization July 6,2019 The following paper was accepted for publication: Zeng GN, You HZ, Wang K, Jiang YY, Bao HJ, Du MM, Chen B, Ai N, Gu ZR Semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of ethanol production from Sargassum Horneri and biosorbent…
Paper Accepted: F. Fan et al. by Chemosphere
Paper Accepted: F. Fan et al. by Chemosphere August 23,2019 The following paper was accepted for publication: Fan FQ, Zhang BY, Liu JB, Cai QH, Lin WY, Chen B Towards sulfide removal and sulfate reducing bacteria inhibition: Function of biosurfactants produced by indigenous isolated nitrate reducing bacteria. Chemosphere. (Elsevier, IF…
Paper Published: G. Singh et al. by Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Paper Published: G. Singh et al. by Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment July 30, 2019 The following paper was published: Singh GG, Farjalla VF, Chen B, Pelling AE, Ceyhan E, Dominik M, Alisic E, Kerr J, Selin NE, Bassioni G, Bennett E, Kemp AH, Chan K. Researcher engagement in policy…
Paper Published: X. Song et al. by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Paper Published: X. Song et al. by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment April 8,2019 The following paper was published: Song X, Lye L, Chen B, Zhang BY Differentiation of weathered chemically dispersed oil from weathered crude oil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer, IF = 1.804) Full-text available at:
Paper Accepted: X. Song et al. by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Paper Accepted: X. Song et al. by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment March 13,2019 The following paper was accepted for publication: Song X, Lye L, Chen B, Zhang BY Differentiation of weathered chemically dispersed oil from weathered crude oil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer, IF = 1.804) More information about the journal:…
Paper Published: Z. Zhu et al. by RCS Advances
Paper Published: Z. Zhu et al. by RCS Advances June 28,2019 The following paper was published: Zhu ZW, Zhang BY, Chen B, Ling JJ, Cai QH, Husain T Fly ash based robust biocatalyst generation: a sustainable strategy towards enhanced green biosurfactant production and waste utilization. RCS Advances (IF = 2.936)…
Paper Accepted: Z. Zhu et al. by RCS Advances
Paper Accepted: Z. Zhu et al. by RCS Advances June 4,2019 The following paper was accepted for publication: Zhu ZW, Zhang BY, Chen B, Ling JJ, Cai QH, Husain T Fly ash based robust biocatalyst generation: a sustainable strategy towards enhanced green biosurfactant production and waste utilization. RCS Advances (IF…
Paper Published: Y. Pi et al. by Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
Paper Published: Y. Pi et al. by Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology May 9, 2019 The following paper was published: Pi YR, Bao MT, Chen B, Zhang BY Microbial degradation of four dispersed crude oil by Rhodococcus sp. evaluated using carbon stable isotope analysis. Chemical Technology & Biotechnology (IF…