Paper published: Y. Tao et al. by Advances in Marine Biology October 31, 2018 The following paper was recently accepted for publication: Yunwen Tao, Bing Chen*, Baiyu Zhang, Kenneth Lee, Zhiwen Zhu, Qinhong Cai Occurrence, Impact, Analysis and Treatment of Metformin and Guanylurea in Coastal Aquatic Environments of Canada, US, and…
Paper published: W. Lin et al. by Advances in Marine Biology
Paper published: W. Lin et al. by Advances in Marine Biology October 31, 2018 The following paper was recently accepted for publication: Weiyun Lin, Xixi Li, Min Yang, Bing Chen, and Baiyu Zhang* Brominated flame retardants, microplastics, and biocides in the marine environment: recent updates of occurrence, analysis, and impacts; Advances…
Paper published: X. Li et al. by Advances in Marine Biology
Paper published: X. Li et al. by Advances in Marine Biology October 31, 2018 The following paper was recently accepted for publication: Xixi Li, Zhenhua Chu, Jiawen Yang, Minghao Li, Meijin Du, Xiaohui Zhao, Zhiwen Zhu*, Yu Li* Synthetic musks: a class of commercial fragrance additives in personal care products…
Paper published: X. Li et al. by International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Paper published: X. Li et al. by International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation June 06, 2018 The following paper was recently published: Li, X.X., Fan, F.Q., Zhang, B.Y., Zhang K.D., and Chen, B. (2018). Biosurfactant enhanced soil bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons: Design of experiments (DOE) based system optimization and phospholipid fatty acid…
Published: Liang Jing, Bing Chen, Baiyu Zhang, Bo Liu and Jisi Zheng by Marine Pollution Bulletin
Published: Liang Jing, Bing Chen, Baiyu Zhang, Bo Liu and Jisi Zheng by Marine Pollution Bulletin April 28, 2014 Congratulations to Liang Jing, Dr. Bing Chen, Dr. Baiyu Zhang, Bo Liu and Jisi Zheng. Their paper entitled “Naphthalene degradation in seawater by UV irradiation: the effects of fluence rate, salinity,…
Published: Pu Li et al. by Marine Pollution Bulletin
Published: Pu Li et al. by Marine Pollution Bulletin August 8, 2014 Congratulations to Dr. Pu Li, Dr. Bing Chen, Dr. Baiyu Zhang, Dr. Kenneth Lee, Xiao Zheng, Zelin Li, Hongjing Wu, and Liang Jing. Their paper entitled “A Monte Carlo simulation based two-stage adaptive resonance theory mapping approach for…
Accepted: Q. Cai et al. by Marine Pollution Bulletin
Accepted: Q. Cai et al. by Marine Pollution Bulletin June 25, 2014 Cai, Q.H., Zhang, B.Y., Chen, B., Zhu, Z.W., Lin, W.Y. (2014). Screening of biosurfactant producers from petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sources in cold marine environments in Atlantic Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 86 (Elsevier; SCI IF = 3.146) (1-2):402-410. More…
Accepted: L. Jing et al. by Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Accepted: L. Jing et al. by Water, Air, & Soil Pollution February 12, 2014 Jing, B. Chen, B.Y. Zhang, Modeling of UV-induced photodegradation of naphthalene in marine oily wastewater by artificial neural networks, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Springer, SCI IF = 1.702), accepted in February 2014. More information about…
Accepted: P. Li et al. by Journal of Environmental Informatics
Accepted: P. Li et al. by Journal of Environmental Informatics November 26, 2015 Congratulations to Dr. Pu Li, Dr. Bing Chen, Zelin Li, Dr. Liang Jing. Their paper entitled “ASOC: A novel Agent-based Simulation-optimization Coupling Approach – Algorithm and Application in Offshore Oil Spill Responses” has been accepted on the…
Accepted: Q. Cai et al. by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Accepted: Q. Cai et al. by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment April 24, 2015 Cai, Q.H., Zhang, B.Y., Chen, B., Song, X., Zhu, Z.W. (2015). Screening of biosurfactant producing bacteria from offshore oil and gas platforms in North Atlantic Canada. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer; SCI IF = 1.687) 187(5):184. More…